Driving on the motorway generally means going at a higher speed than usual for a more extended time.

It is important to make sure the vehicle you are driving is in good condition

When on long journeys, it is important to check the condition of your tyres when you leave, are en-route and when you stop for a break.

Tyres should be checked for:

On trucks (vehicles exceeding 3.5 tonnes g.v.w), current legislation requires that they must have a minimum of 1mm of tread in a continuous band throughout the central three-quarters of the tread width and over the whole circumference of the tyre.

You should always drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear. If you are overtaking slower-moving vehicles, you should return to the left-hand lane as soon as you are safely past.

Slow-moving or speed-restricted vehicles should always remain in the left-hand lane of the carriageway unless overtaking. You MUST NOT drive on the hard shoulder except in an emergency or if directed to do so by the police, traffic officers in uniform or by signs.

Crawler lanes or 'Climbing lanes' are lanes that can be found on steep gradients. Their purpose is to allow slower-moving vehicles to be overtaken

It’s vital that this equipment is working correctly, particularly on motorways. In wet weather, the visibility of overtaking cars will be greatly reduced if your spray suppression equipment is not functioning correctly. 

What is spray suppression equipment

SpraySuppression is a system intended to reduce the amount of water thrown upwards by the tyres of a vehicle in motion.

Spraysuppression can be made up of a mudguard, rain flaps and valances equipped with a spraysuppression device on a vehicle’s trailer


Motorway Driving