Companies carrying goods on their own-account do not require CMR notes.

A consignment note will suffice for those that can prove the journey is not for hire or reward


TIR stands for

Transports Internationaux Routiers and is an international harmonised customs transit system facilitating trade and transport.

Whilst effectively protecting the revenue of each country through which goods are carried.


There is more flexibility on the scheduling of the weekly rest periods for drivers when operating internationally.

A driver engaged in international transport of goods may, outside the country where their employer holds an operators licence, take two consecutive reduced weekly rest periods provided that the driver in any four consecutive weeks takes at least four weekly rest periods, of which at least two shall be regular weekly rest periods

When do these rules apply?

A driver is considered to be engaged in international transport where the driver starts the two consecutive reduced weekly rest periods outside the country where the employer’s operating centre is based and the country of the drivers’ place of residence.

A driver must return to the employer’s operating centre,  in the country where the employer holds the operating licence within each period of four consecutive weeks.

It is also possible to return to the drivers’ place of residence if this differs.

This must be for at least one regular weekly rest period or a weekly rest period of more than 45 hours if compensation is required.

A regular daily rest period may be interrupted no more than twice, but the total interruption must not exceed 1 hour.

This allows for a vehicle to be driven on to a ferry and off again at the end of the crossing. Where the rest period is interrupted in this way, the total accumulated rest period must still be 11 hours.

A bunk or couchette must be available during the rest period.

You may also interrupt a reduced weekly rest.
Again, the rest may be interrupted no more than twice, and the total interruption must not exceed 1 hour in total.

A bunk or couchette is required and If you are interrupting a reduced weekly rest then the ferry journey must be at least 8 hours long.

You may NOT interrupt a reduced daily rest or a regular weekly rest